Recharging strategy for an electric vehicle#

Whether it is to visit family, take a sightseeing tour or call on business associates, planning a road trip is a familiar and routine task. Here we consider a road trip on a pre-determined route for which need to plan rest and recharging stops. This example demonstrates use of AMPL disjunctions to model the decisions on where to stop.

# install dependencies and select solver
%pip install -q amplpy matplotlib

SOLVER = "cbc"

from amplpy import AMPL, ampl_notebook

ampl = ampl_notebook(
    modules=["cbc"],  # modules to install
    license_uuid="default",  # license to use
)  # instantiate AMPL object and register magics

Problem Statement#

Given the current location \(x\), battery charge \(c\), and planning horizon \(D\), the task is to plan a series of recharging and rest stops. Data is provided for the location and the charging rate available at each charging stations. The objective is to drive from location \(x\) to location \(x + D\) in as little time as possible subject to the following constraints:

  • To allow for unforeseen events, the state of charge should never drop below 20% of the maximum capacity.

  • The the maximum charge is \(c_{max} = 80\) kWh.

  • For comfort, no more than 4 hours should pass between stops, and that a rest stop should last at least \(t^{rest}\).

  • Any stop includes a \(t^{lost} = 10\) minutes of “lost time”.

For this first model we make several simplifying assumptions that can be relaxed as a later time.

  • Travel is at a constant speed \(v = 100\) km per hour and a constant discharge rate \(R = 0.24\) kWh/km

  • The batteries recharge at a constant rate determined by the charging station.

  • Only consider stops at the recharging stations.


The problem statement identifies four state variables.

  • \(c\) the current battery charge

  • \(r\) the elapsed time since the last rest stop

  • \(t\) elapsed time since the start of the trip

  • \(x\) the current location

The charging stations are located at positions \(d_i\) for \(i\in I\) with capacity \(C_i\). The arrival time at charging station \(i\) is given by

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} c_i^{arr} & = c_{i-1}^{dep} - R (d_i - d_{i-1}) \\ r_i^{arr} & = r_{i-1}^{dep} + \frac{d_i - d_{i-1}}{v} \\ t_i^{arr} & = t_{i-1}^{dep} + \frac{d_i - d_{i-1}}{v} \\ \end{align*} \end{split}\]

where the script \(t_{i-1}^{dep}\) refers to departure from the prior location. At each charging location there is a decision to make of whether to stop, rest, and recharge. If the decision is positive, then

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} c_i^{dep} & \leq c^{max} \\ r_i^{dep} & = 0 \\ t_i^{dep} & \geq t_{i}^{arr} + t_{lost} + \frac{c_i^{dep} - c_i^{arr}}{C_i} \\ t_i^{dep} & \geq t_{i}^{arr} + t_{rest} \end{align*} \end{split}\]

which account for the battery charge, the lost time and time required for battery charging, and allows for a minimum rest time. On the other hand, if a decision is make to skip the charging and rest opportunity,

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} c_i^{dep} & = c_i^{arr} \\ r_i^{dep} & = r_i^{arr} \\ t_i^{dep} & = t_i^{arr} \end{align*} \end{split}\]

The latter sets of constraints have an exclusive-or relationship. That is, either one or the other of the constraint sets hold, but not both.

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \min \quad & t_{n+1}^{arr} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & r_i^{arr} \leq r^{max} & \forall \, i \in I \\ & c_i^{arr} \geq c^{min} & \forall \,i \in I \\ & c_i^{arr} = c_{i-1}^{dep} - R (d_i - d_{i-1}) & \forall \,i \in I \\ & r_i^{arr} = r_{i-1}^{dep} + \frac{d_i - d_{i-1}}{v} & \forall \,i \in I \\ & t_i^{arr} = t_{i-1}^{dep} + \frac{d_i - d_{i-1}}{v} & \forall \,i \in I \\ & \begin{bmatrix} c_i^{dep} & \leq & c^{max} \\ r_i^{dep} & = & 0 \\ t_i^{dep} & \geq & t_{i}^{arr} + t_{lost} + \frac{c_i^{dep} - c_i^{arr}}{C_i} \\ t_i^{dep} & \geq & t_{i}^{arr} + t_{rest} \end{bmatrix} \veebar \begin{bmatrix} c_i^{dep} = c_i^{arr} \\ r_i^{dep} = r_i^{arr} \\ t_i^{dep} = t_i^{arr} \end{bmatrix} & \forall \, i \in I. \end{align*} \end{split}\]

Charging Station Information#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# specify number of charging stations
n_charging_stations = 20

# randomly distribute charging stations along a fixed route
d = np.round(np.cumsum(np.random.triangular(20, 150, 223, n_charging_stations)), 1)

# randomly assign changing capacities
c = np.random.choice([50, 100, 150, 250], n_charging_stations, p=[0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.1])

# assign names to the charging stations
s = [f"S_{i:02d}" for i in range(n_charging_stations)]

stations = pd.DataFrame([s, d, c]).T
stations.columns = ["name", "location", "kw"]
name location kw
0 S_00 191.6 150
1 S_01 310.6 100
2 S_02 516.0 50
3 S_03 683.6 50
4 S_04 769.9 50
5 S_05 869.7 100
6 S_06 1009.1 150
7 S_07 1164.7 100
8 S_08 1230.8 100
9 S_09 1350.8 250
10 S_10 1508.4 100
11 S_11 1639.8 100
12 S_12 1809.4 150
13 S_13 1947.3 250
14 S_14 2145.2 150
15 S_15 2337.5 100
16 S_16 2415.6 100
17 S_17 2590.0 100
18 S_18 2691.2 100
19 S_19 2896.2 100

Route Information#

# current location (km) and charge (kw)
x = 0

# planning horizon
D = 2000

# visualize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 3))

def plot_stations(stations, x, D, ax=ax):
    for station in stations.index:
        xs = stations.loc[station, "location"]
        ys = stations.loc[station, "kw"]
        ax.plot([xs, xs], [0, ys], "b", lw=10, solid_capstyle="butt")
        ax.text(xs, 0 - 30, stations.loc[station, "name"], ha="center")

    ax.plot([x, x + D], [0, 0], "r", lw=5, solid_capstyle="butt", label="plan horizon")
    ax.plot([x, x + D], [0, 0], "r.", ms=20)

    ax.set_ylim(-50, 300)
    ax.set_title("charging stations")

plot_stations(stations, x, D)

Car Information#

# charge limits (kw)
c_max = 150
c_min = 0.2 * c_max
c = c_max

# velocity km/hr and discharge rate kwh/km
v = 100.0
R = 0.24

# lost time
t_lost = 10 / 60
t_rest = 10 / 60

# rest time
r_max = 3

AMPL Model#

%%writefile ev_plan.mod

param n;

# locations and road segments between location x and x + D
set STATIONS;  # 1..n
set LOCATIONS; # 0, 1..n, D
set SEGMENTS;  # 1..n + 1

param C{STATIONS};
param D;
param c_min;
param c_max;
param v;
param R;

param r_max;
param location{LOCATIONS};
param dist{SEGMENTS};
param t_lost;

# distance traveled
var x{LOCATIONS} >= 0, <= 10000;

# arrival and departure charge at each charging station
var c_arr{LOCATIONS} >= c_min, <= c_max;
var c_dep{LOCATIONS} >= c_min, <= c_max;

# arrival and departure times from each charging station
var t_arr{LOCATIONS} >= 0, <= 100;
var t_dep{LOCATIONS} >= 0, <= 100;

# arrival and departure rest from each charging station
var r_arr{LOCATIONS} >= 0, <= r_max;
var r_dep{LOCATIONS} >= 0, <= r_max;

minimize min_time: t_arr[n + 1];
s.t. drive_time {i in SEGMENTS}: t_arr[i] == t_dep[i-1] + dist[i]/v;
s.t. rest_time {i in SEGMENTS}: r_arr[i] == r_dep[i-1] + dist[i]/v;
s.t. drive_distance {i in SEGMENTS}: x[i] == x[i-1] + dist[i];
s.t. discharge {i in SEGMENTS}: c_arr[i] == c_dep[i-1] - R * dist[i];

s.t. recharge {i in STATIONS}:
    # list of constraints that apply if there is no stop at station i
    ((c_dep[i] == c_arr[i] and t_dep[i] == t_arr[i] and r_dep[i] == r_arr[i])
    # list of constraints that apply if there is a stop at station i
    (t_dep[i] == t_lost + t_arr[i] + (c_dep[i] - c_arr[i])/C[i] and
        c_dep[i] >= c_arr[i] and r_dep[i] == 0))
    and not
    ((c_dep[i] == c_arr[i] and t_dep[i] == t_arr[i] and r_dep[i] == r_arr[i])
    (t_dep[i] == t_lost + t_arr[i] + (c_dep[i] - c_arr[i])/C[i] and
        c_dep[i] >= c_arr[i] and r_dep[i] == 0));
Overwriting ev_plan.mod
def ev_plan(stations, x, D):
    # data preprocessing

    # find stations between x and x + D
    on_route = stations[(stations["location"] >= x) & (stations["location"] <= x + D)]

    # adjust the index to match the model directly
    on_route.index += 1

    n = len(on_route)

    # get the values of the location parameter
    location = on_route["location"].to_dict()
    location[0] = x
    location[n + 1] = x + D

    # get the values for the dist parameter
    dist = {}
    for s in range(1, n + 2):
        dist[s] = location[s] - location[s - 1]

    # define the indexing sets
    # note the +1 at the end because Python ranges are not inclusive at the endpoint
    STATIONS = list(range(1, n + 1))  # 1 to n
    LOCATIONS = list(range(n + 2))  # 0 to n + 1
    SEGMENTS = list(range(1, n + 2))  # 1 to n + 1

    # instantiate AMPL and load model
    m = AMPL()"ev_plan.mod")

    m.set["STATIONS"] = STATIONS
    m.set["SEGMENTS"] = SEGMENTS

    # load data
    m.param["C"] = on_route["kw"]
    m.param["location"] = location
    m.param["D"] = D
    m.param["n"] = n
    m.param["c_min"] = c_min
    m.param["c_max"] = c_max
    m.param["r_max"] = r_max
    m.param["t_lost"] = t_lost
    m.param["v"] = v
    m.param["R"] = R
    m.param["dist"] = dist

    # initial conditions

    # set solver and solve
    m.option["solver"] = SOLVER

    return m

def get_results(model):
    x = [(int(k), v) for k, v in model.var["x"].to_list()]
    t_arr = [v for k, v in model.var["t_arr"].to_list()]
    t_dep = [v for k, v in model.var["t_dep"].to_list()]
    c_arr = [v for k, v in model.var["c_arr"].to_list()]
    c_dep = [v for k, v in model.var["c_dep"].to_list()]

    results = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=["index", "location"]).set_index("index")
    results["t_arr"] = t_arr
    results["t_dep"] = t_dep
    results["c_arr"] = c_arr
    results["c_dep"] = c_dep
    results["t_stop"] = results["t_dep"] - results["t_arr"]
    results["t_stop"] = results["t_stop"].round(6)

    return results

m = ev_plan(stations, 0, 2000)
results = get_results(m)
cbc 2.10.7: cbc 2.10.7: optimal solution; objective 24.142507
12091 simplex iterations
12091 barrier iterations
102 branching nodes
location t_arr t_dep c_arr c_dep t_stop
0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 30.0000 150.0000 0.000000
1 191.6 1.916000 2.389227 104.0160 150.0000 0.473227
2 310.6 3.579227 4.031493 121.4400 150.0000 0.452267
3 516.0 6.085493 6.535840 100.7040 114.8880 0.450347
4 683.6 8.211840 8.211840 74.6640 74.6640 0.000000
5 769.9 9.074840 9.241507 53.9520 53.9520 0.166667
6 869.7 10.239507 10.740733 30.0000 63.4560 0.501227
7 1009.1 12.134733 12.848120 30.0000 112.0080 0.713387
8 1164.7 14.404120 14.570787 74.6640 74.6640 0.166667
9 1230.8 15.231787 15.231787 58.8000 58.8000 0.000000
10 1350.8 16.431787 17.078453 30.0000 150.0000 0.646667
11 1508.4 18.654453 18.654453 112.1760 112.1760 -0.000000
12 1639.8 19.968453 20.135121 80.6400 80.6401 0.166668
13 1809.4 21.831121 22.236507 39.9361 75.7440 0.405386
14 1947.3 23.615507 23.615507 42.6480 42.6480 0.000000
15 2000.0 24.142507 0.000000 30.0000 30.0000 -24.142507
# visualize

def visualize(m):
    D = m.param["D"].value()

    results = get_results(m)

    results["t_stop"] = results["t_dep"] - results["t_arr"]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 8), sharex=True)

    # plot stations
    for station in stations.index:
        xs = stations.loc[station, "location"]
        ys = stations.loc[station, "kw"]
        ax[0].plot([xs, xs], [0, ys], "b", lw=10, solid_capstyle="butt")
        ax[0].text(xs, 0 - 30, stations.loc[station, "name"], ha="center")

    # plot planning horizon
        [x, x + D], [0, 0], "r", lw=5, solid_capstyle="butt", label="plan horizon"
    ax[0].plot([x, x + D], [0, 0], "r.", ms=20)

    # annotations
    ax[0].set_ylim(-50, 300)
    ax[0].set_title("charging stations")

    SEGMENTS = m.set["SEGMENTS"].to_list()

    # plot battery charge
    for i in SEGMENTS:
        xv = [results.loc[i - 1, "location"], results.loc[i, "location"]]
        cv = [results.loc[i - 1, "c_dep"], results.loc[i, "c_arr"]]
        ax[1].plot(xv, cv, "g")

    STATIONS = m.set["STATIONS"].to_list()

    # plot charge at stations
    for i in STATIONS:
        xv = [results.loc[i, "location"]] * 2
        cv = [results.loc[i, "c_arr"], results.loc[i, "c_dep"]]
        ax[1].plot(xv, cv, "g")

    # mark stop locations
    for i in STATIONS:
        if results.loc[i, "t_stop"] > 0:
            ax[1].axvline(results.loc[i, "location"], color="r", ls="--")

    # show constraints on battery charge
    ax[1].axhline(c_max, c="g")
    ax[1].axhline(c_min, c="g")
    ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1.1 * c_max)
    ax[1].set_ylabel("Charge (kw)")

visualize(ev_plan(stations, 0, 2000))
cbc 2.10.7: cbc 2.10.7: optimal solution; objective 24.142507
12091 simplex iterations
12091 barrier iterations
102 branching nodes

Suggested Exercises#

  1. Does increasing the battery capacity \(c^{max}\) significantly reduce the time required to travel 2000 km? Explain what you observe.

  2. “The best-laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry” (Robert Burns, “To a Mouse”). Modify this model so that it can be used to update a plans in response to real-time measurements. How does the charging strategy change as a function of planning horizon \(D\)?